Violett Coming To Nintendo Switch Next Week

Forever Entertainment has announced that its point-and-click adventure Violett is coming to Nintendo Switch next week. It will launch in North America on October 26, 2017 and in Europe on October 25, 2017 digitally via the Nintendo eShop.

The game tells the story of Violett, a young and rebel­lious teenage girl, who moves to an old spooky house in the mid­dle of nowhere. Forced away from her friends and life in the city; she imag­ines how bor­ing life in coun­try­side will be: spend­ing day after day, bored in her room with absolutely noth­ing to do. But what she can­not imag­ine, is that in just few moments, she’ll have the adven­ture of her life.

Rack your brain on intri­cate puz­zles that will allow you to move for­ward. Use the power of telekine­sis to get you out of your trou­bles. Fight the evil spi­der queen that wants to make you her new tro­phy. Roam the beau­ti­ful and psy­che­delic world, inspired by Alice in Won­der­land, Sand­man, Dali and other great works.

Check out the Violett Trailer:


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