Not a Hero For PS Vita Quietly Cancelled
Today, Roll7 has quietly announced that the PS Vita version of Not a Hero has been cancelled, obviously due to technical issues in porting the game to the PS Vita.
Earlier today, John Ribbins, creative director from Roll7, has announced on the PlayStation blog that Not a Hero is launching on the PS4 on February 2, 2016 without mentioning the PS Vita version.
And even in Roll7’s Tweet about the game’s release date there was nothing mentioned about the PS Vita version. Only when a user was asking if the game is coming to the PS Vita, Roll7 finally revealed that Not a Hero is not coming to the PS Vita anymore and they pointed to their blogpost and that the decision was out of their hands.
On the blog post, Roll7 tries to explain the reason for the cancellation in a funny way but cancelling a PS Vita game should not be treated like this and hiding the important news on a blog post does not speak for Roll7’s open communication.
Obviously Roll7 has feared a backlash by the PS Vita community revealing that Not a Hero has been cancelled for the PS Vita. Actually with this secretive strategy they made it even worse that people had to ask about the missing PS Vita version.
In the end it’s pure speculation that the reason for the cancellation has something to do with Devolver Digital as Roll7 has mentioned that the decision for cancelling the PS Vita version was out of their hands.
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