Review: Laser Disco Defenders – PS Vita (8.5/10)
The 70’s filled with disco music, dancing and lasers – at least 2 are true but this game has even the third one – lasers – hence the title Laser Disco Defenders.
This hard as hell game is one you can’t put down with it’s part rouge style gameplay and mission based style, it’s one that deserves some high praise. The Cartoon Network style graphics work wonderful and the lasers, which don’t vanish during a level, just zoom around you in the stages.
The music is as great as you can imagine and is pretty trippy on it’s own (soundtrack please). If there was a nitpick I would say the level design as it’s hit or miss but after later levels you won’t have time to look at them.
With enemies and traps always coming at you or flying into them, planning is the key. Music note choppers, bad guys and flame throwers are basic but laser shields can happen as well and no level is ever the same. As you complete missions you have a chance to unlock cutscenes, outfits and other apparel for your characters.
The playable characters are either slow with more hearts or fast with less hearts but all play the same. Controls can be awkward at first but come second nature the more you play. Loading is quick but overall one of the better Unity games I booted up and played.
Laser Disco Defenders is a hard but entertaining, funky shooter game ideal for quick pick up and play.
Review: Laser Disco Defenders | PS Vita
Presentation - 8/10
Music - 9/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Lasting Appeal - 8/10
+ Cartoonish graphics are very good quality
+ Pick up and play style
+ Endless gameplay
- Controls can be awkward
- Can be too hard for casual players
The review was written and provided by Chris. All screenshots are taken from the PS Vita version.
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