Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition Delayed Until Later This Summer
Publisher Badland Games has announced that the release of the Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition for PS Vita and PS4 will be delayed until later this Summer due to an unforeseen production problem.
Originally, the Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition was scheduled to be released on June 30, 2017.
The Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition will include a copy of Velocity 2X for PS Vita or PS4, the Critical Urgency expansion with 6 extra levels, the Dual Core expansion with 10 extra levels, Daily Sprint expansion, and an exclusive Making-Of Documentary.
The PS4 version will also come with an official soundtrack CD by Joris de Man and an exclusive studio booklet focusing on the inspiration behind the creation of the game.
You can pre-order the Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition at Play-Asia: PS Vita / PS4
Check out the Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition Trailer:
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Well that sucks… : (